
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Flat Cookies

Today, this overcast but nicely winter-y first day of 2011, I decided to make some cookies.  I had been planning to make Pioneer Woman's ("P-dubs" if you're tight with her like I am) recipe for Malted Chocolate Chip Cookies with the substitution of some gluten-free flour for my dear friend Kattus (any celiac reading this knows I had already gone wrong in the inception stage).  They came out like this:

And to add insult to injury, can anyone guess malted milk's number one ingredient?  Yes, that's correct: wheat flour!  Yay!

Weirdly, though, the scraped-off bits of cookie (the only way I could get them off of the cookie sheet) are DELICIOUS.  That Pioneer Woman really knows what she's about.

Anyhoodle, I thought this insignificant vignette might serve as well as anything for an introduction.  Hi, I'm Lacey.  I have a beautiful baby girl, a darling husband, and a joyful life.  But sometimes I forget to read the instructions.