
Friday, March 11, 2011


I definitely fell down during my lunch run today.  There I am, huffing and puffing along, and --this is the weird part-- I actually thought to myself "wouldn't it be funny if I fell down and skinned my knees?  It would be just like when I was 8."  Note to my fellow runners/klutzes: don't think things like that while you're running.  You will will them into being.  Just like Oprah says (does she say that?  Seems like something she would say).

My toe clipped the edge of something (an uneven sidewalk, my other shoe, a stray piece of grass, air ... we'll never know) and I skidded, palms-first, onto the sidewalk. Thankfully, a car blew by right at that moment, so I know my finest moment will forever live in the memory of that passerby.   I popped back up oh-so-casually: nothing wrong here, I'm good at running!  And kept jogging, hands now festively adorned with blood and bits of sidewalk.

The moral of the story?  Oh, you want a moral?  Um, avoid trippy things?  Wait, no: think positively!  Or maybe it's just that I wanted an excuse to post this sweet note I got from the hubs reminding me to deposit a check I've been carrying around for a month and also, of the important stuff:


Who cares about falling?  That guy's great.

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